About my services
Purple Ocean & Purple Garden Schedule:
Mondays-Thursdays 9:30-1pm & 7pm-11pm (central US time)
Weekend times will vary!
Hi, my name is Michele, and I am an intuitive medium, claircognizant, clairaudient, and clairvoyant. I have had a strong intuition since I was very young and can see and connect with the spirits of passed loved ones. I’m also a life coach, specializing in matters of the heart. My reading style is direct but compassionate, and I read without using tools. I am very passionate about using my abilities to help you get the answers you seek. I receive words or phrases quickly through my direct connection to Spirit to help answer questions you might have. The more background details you can share will help me connect even better to your POI & situation. Thank you!
Please note: Negative reviews are from those who did not want to hear the truth. I always make sure to answer all questions asked plus will also share any other information that comes to me from Spirit as well.
Spiritual medium, Psychic readings, Angel insights, Love readings
Ratings and reviews
Thank you so much great reading
Thank you for your insight! I really appreciate it. None of it was bad, or sad for me… just confirming feelings. I just need to embrace what I know. thank you again!
absolutely amazing thank you 💗
she’s wonderful, book her immediately!!
Real deal. This is my second reading with her and her predictions came true last time and her details this time seem accurate now and line up with what I’ve picked up on also.
my first reading with Michele Mae, appreciated all she shared within this reading together. look forward to connecting for another one in the future.
Thank you very much, the call got dropped. i appreciate your insights and guidance, thank you for sharing your gifts. ❤️🤗
great insight and advice :)
Was such an awesome reading and totally accurate with her reading!
i liked, very funnynand kind. but i did not have the impression she is really gifted…..
Great! Positive and uplifting ✨
Appreciate for being so honest. Hoping prediction will come to pass. Love the quick response too. Thank you
Super quick and she feels my energy. Love it. Resonates with my situation too
Thank you 💛 hoping all plays out well