About my services
Purple Ocean & Purple Garden Schedule:
Mondays-Thursdays 9:30-1pm & 7pm-11pm (central US time)
Weekend times will vary!
Hi, my name is Michele, and I am an intuitive medium, claircognizant, clairaudient, and clairvoyant. I have had a strong intuition since I was very young and can see and connect with the spirits of passed loved ones. I’m also a life coach, specializing in matters of the heart. My reading style is direct but compassionate, and I read without using tools. I am very passionate about using my abilities to help you get the answers you seek. I receive words or phrases quickly through my direct connection to Spirit to help answer questions you might have. The more background details you can share will help me connect even better to your POI & situation. Thank you!
Please note: Negative reviews are from those who did not want to hear the truth. I always make sure to answer all questions asked plus will also share any other information that comes to me from Spirit as well.
Spiritual medium, Psychic readings, Angel insights, Love readings
Ratings and reviews
Thank you so much. I love hearing good things you're awesome.
Good feedback. Thank you for clarifying.
Thank you! Non judgemental and honest
gave me clarity on my situation
Clear, intuitive reading. Excellent 💓
Thank you. Fantastic reading!!!!!
was really sweet, I hope her predictions play out
She was really fun to talk to!! I hope she’s right, my love life feels like a mess 😩😩
Thanks for looking into this
First reading with Michele Mae and it was excellent! She picked up on everything. Lovely reading. Thank you.
Excellent reading! Super clear and informative. She was able to pick up on things I didn't even mention 😊 Clearly a very talented reader. Thank you!
Michele provided a pretty in-depth answer to my question and made me feel heard and validated, not to mention hopeful! And her advice is very appreciated 🥰
Ah! She was so good! Michele picked up on a lot of things that I never even mentioned I was feeling or thinking about. She reassured me of my wonder and confirmed the outcome I most expected. She comes across as very kind but straight forward and very personable. I’m now a big fan! Highly highly highly recommend! ❤️
I have had some fantastic readings on this site but this was not one of them. She was very nice but It was a waste of money as she told me nothing!
Very honest & Truthful🙏 thanks for the closure I needed 💞💞
A soul connection that is unexplainable & the love I feel for this lady book her the closure & happiness you need is here .♥️♥️♥️
WORST. READING. EVER!!! I have no idea what she was yammering on and on about. She must’ve been doing a reading on a rock because she surely wasn’t connected to me or my situation! TOTAL WASTE OF TIME & MONEY!!!! Didn’t answer a single question & worse she went on and on about irrelevant things Like age difference…well Duh I put our bdays in for reference. Ugh! 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😤
I thought this reading through, it had no details or depth and the reading felt unprepared and half the time was wasted. Sorry to leave a negative review.
This was NOT a psychic reading at all. It was all advice and personal suggestions related to her own experiences. I could've called my grandmother and heard the same things. She seems nice but I was looking for psychic insight. There were No predictions at all. Wasted the whole 3 minutes talking about her own feelings and what love should look like. 😂. I didn't pay for a lecture. Never again.