Sobre mis servicios
¡Hola! bienvenidos a mi perfil, soy Júpiter, me especializo principalmente en temas relacionados con el amor y almas gemelas. Una de las mayores cualidades que tengo es mi total sinceridad y certeza en el momento de dar respuesta a tus inquietudes.
Te ofrezco:
✨Lectura de tarot Rider Waite
🐱Tarot Familiars de Lisa Parker
😴 interpretación de sueños
📸Fotomancia (Interpretación de energía mediante fotos)
🌙Lectura de aura y energías
💑¿Problemas de pareja?💑💍
👪¿Problemas familiares?👪
💰¿No te rinde el dinero?💰
💼¿Inconvenientes laborales?💼
🔮Te ofrezco lecturas y soluciones claras, concisas y certeras para todos estos inconvenientes que se estén presentando en tu vida y como evitarlos a futuro🔮
De mi parte siempre vas a tener una lectura totalmente sincera, directa, respetuosa y sobre todo muy profesional.
⚠️únicamente responderé 1 pregunta aclaratoria relacionada con la lectura que hayamos realizado, si tienes preguntas nuevas será necesario realizar una lectura nueva⚠️
Guía de los Oráculos, Análisis de los Sueños, Lectura de Tarot, Lecturas Psíquicas, Lecturas amorosas
Puntuación y reseñas
muchisimas gracias por tus consejos tienes mucha razon en lo que me dijiste♥️
Thank you I appreciate your advice. 😊
Thank you so much for the advice and guidance :)
As always another wonderful reading from Jupiter. He really has been my go to guy on this site. He’s very accurate and honest with me about my situation with my POI. Love getting updates with him. 💕
Thank you Jupiter for always giving me hope that my twin flame will contact me soon. I trust you 100% and thanks for always being there for me. Much appreciated!!!!!!
Sorprendente amigo jupiter, eres fantástico, agradecida de tu don
Gracias por tus palabras son un bálsamo de paz a mi alma
He usually disconnects the chat in his own,rather than giving me a minute to finish typing my questions!! He has done this couple of times ,it’s disappointing when you need help & advise on some urgent matters ! Esp after spending money also ,he won’t answer any follow up questions?? That’s not kind for a psychic
Thank you so much you really help me today 😁
Super honest and transparent reading… immediately after our connection I received a physical message related to the reading 👀🔮
He is the best! He's so nice! Also so honest. He gives great advice. Please do a reading!
Thanks so much for always being there for me and my twin flame. You are the best advisor!!!!!
Super precise and quick - a confident and trustworthy reader!
Very good. he answered all of my questions very calmly and thoughtfully. I hope it goes the way he said.
Thank you sooo much for your time. Always a pleasure to speak with 🤗
Thank you so much Jupiter. You were on point with everything. I needed that ❤️
Gracias x la lectura muy sincera
very honest and helpful. highly recommended
very good to connect and very fast answers