Sobre mis servicios
¡Hola! bienvenidos a mi perfil, soy Júpiter, me especializo principalmente en temas relacionados con el amor y almas gemelas. Una de las mayores cualidades que tengo es mi total sinceridad y certeza en el momento de dar respuesta a tus inquietudes.
Te ofrezco:
✨Lectura de tarot Rider Waite
🐱Tarot Familiars de Lisa Parker
😴 interpretación de sueños
📸Fotomancia (Interpretación de energía mediante fotos)
🌙Lectura de aura y energías
💑¿Problemas de pareja?💑💍
👪¿Problemas familiares?👪
💰¿No te rinde el dinero?💰
💼¿Inconvenientes laborales?💼
🔮Te ofrezco lecturas y soluciones claras, concisas y certeras para todos estos inconvenientes que se estén presentando en tu vida y como evitarlos a futuro🔮
De mi parte siempre vas a tener una lectura totalmente sincera, directa, respetuosa y sobre todo muy profesional.
⚠️únicamente responderé 1 pregunta aclaratoria relacionada con la lectura que hayamos realizado, si tienes preguntas nuevas será necesario realizar una lectura nueva⚠️
Guía de los Oráculos, Análisis de los Sueños, Lectura de Tarot, Lecturas Psíquicas, Lecturas amorosas
Puntuación y reseñas
1st time with him
Put my mind at ease, in line with other readers
Hoping for the best
Time will tell
Helpful and insightful guidance.
Muchisimas gracias amigo. Estoy mirando hacia el futuro ❤️
Highly recommend as I did not mention that I do not go out and my reading asked me to go out more 😊
He's amazing, my favorite! Great with his advice. He is also extremely accurate.
Clarity and guidance put things into proper perspective. I’m always so grateful for the insight and guidance through my difficult situation. Accurate and empowering.
Always good to catch up with Jupiter, honest and straightforward with me all the time. Blessing 💕
rápido y concreto. veremos más adelante
🙏 eternamente agradecida por tus palabras
Thank you ! Sorry got disconnected due to time
he gave me hope when all I felt was dispare
Es increíblemente bueno!!!!! Certero, lo recomiendo 100% no sino, 1000%, desde toda mi honestidad!!
You always provide amazingly accurate guidance! Thank you ❤️
Buenas recomendaciones desde la luz
He's amazing reader and i highly recommend Jupiter. 🙏♥️🌹
Great reading although a difficult situation. Jupiter provided valuable insight as well as some positive feedback. Gentle and to the point ❣️
Thank you! I hope these things work out the way you said they would :)
Always straight forward and accurate. Thank you so much for the fast answers to all my questions. Truly gifted.
Thank you Jupiter for always being there for me and my twin flame. You are best advisor and i will always come to you for great advise. Thanks a ton!!!!!
Answered all of my questions directly. He was great!