Sobre mis servicios
¡Hola! bienvenidos a mi perfil, soy Júpiter, me especializo principalmente en temas relacionados con el amor y almas gemelas. Una de las mayores cualidades que tengo es mi total sinceridad y certeza en el momento de dar respuesta a tus inquietudes.
Te ofrezco:
✨Lectura de tarot Rider Waite
🐱Tarot Familiars de Lisa Parker
😴 interpretación de sueños
📸Fotomancia (Interpretación de energía mediante fotos)
🌙Lectura de aura y energías
💑¿Problemas de pareja?💑💍
👪¿Problemas familiares?👪
💰¿No te rinde el dinero?💰
💼¿Inconvenientes laborales?💼
🔮Te ofrezco lecturas y soluciones claras, concisas y certeras para todos estos inconvenientes que se estén presentando en tu vida y como evitarlos a futuro🔮
De mi parte siempre vas a tener una lectura totalmente sincera, directa, respetuosa y sobre todo muy profesional.
⚠️únicamente responderé 1 pregunta aclaratoria relacionada con la lectura que hayamos realizado, si tienes preguntas nuevas será necesario realizar una lectura nueva⚠️
Guía de los Oráculos, Análisis de los Sueños, Lectura de Tarot, Lecturas Psíquicas, Lecturas amorosas
Puntuación y reseñas
Thank you for the insights, you literally stopped my tears which are flowing the whole day. I really hope what you say will come true, and he’s indeed feeling what you just said. Thank you so much.
Me encantó su energía, muy asertivo. lo recomiendo totalmente.
Thank you Sir for always showing me right path and giving me so much directions through your accurate readings at all times.
Excelente muchas gracias. Gran manera y dinámica de realizar lecturas
He has been a great counselor and advisor I’ve been going to for quite sometime and is just so amazing
Thank you for the good reading and advice.
He is a great advisor and is accurate
Muy amable. Da buenos consejos!
Didn’t sugarcoat anything and I hope his prediction comes.
Jupiter is guiding me since yeas about 1 person. He is very great at reading current energies and also seeing bigger picture....and gives predictions. He is top adviosr for a reason. Dont even doubt...just reach out. if he says, it will happen....if its not happening because he dint say...he is that accurate.
Thank you for your advice. It makes so much sense of what I need right at this moment in my life
Júpiter gave some of peace of mind to my circumstances at hand. I greatly appreciate the spiritual advice! Thank you 🫂
Thank you man your the best
Great advice. Helping and calmed my anxiety. Didn’t need to say much but was spot on describing my poi.
Excellent and caring reading. Got so much clarity on my situation!
Thank you for the reassurances!
Thank you so much for this absolutely amazing reading! I can’t wait to update!
Thks for all man your the best 🙏🙏