Sobre mis servicios
¡Hola! bienvenidos a mi perfil, soy Júpiter, me especializo principalmente en temas relacionados con el amor y almas gemelas. Una de las mayores cualidades que tengo es mi total sinceridad y certeza en el momento de dar respuesta a tus inquietudes.
Te ofrezco:
✨Lectura de tarot Rider Waite
🐱Tarot Familiars de Lisa Parker
😴 interpretación de sueños
📸Fotomancia (Interpretación de energía mediante fotos)
🌙Lectura de aura y energías
💑¿Problemas de pareja?💑💍
👪¿Problemas familiares?👪
💰¿No te rinde el dinero?💰
💼¿Inconvenientes laborales?💼
🔮Te ofrezco lecturas y soluciones claras, concisas y certeras para todos estos inconvenientes que se estén presentando en tu vida y como evitarlos a futuro🔮
De mi parte siempre vas a tener una lectura totalmente sincera, directa, respetuosa y sobre todo muy profesional.
⚠️únicamente responderé 1 pregunta aclaratoria relacionada con la lectura que hayamos realizado, si tienes preguntas nuevas será necesario realizar una lectura nueva⚠️
Guía de los Oráculos, Análisis de los Sueños, Lectura de Tarot, Lecturas Psíquicas, Lecturas amorosas
Puntuación y reseñas
The reading was very Straight forward. He picked up on things that I had not mentioned nor given hints of. I’m glad I found him.
His reading has given me hope. I will have to wait to see how the next 2-3 months pan out. I’m going to stay positive.
Awesome reading thank you
This reading made me feel so much better. Like I was on the right path. And insight to other things I didn’t know! Thank you my advisor and friend🙏🏽💕
Very insightful! Thank you!!🙏🏽🙏🏽
Wonderful & on point. Thank you🙏💛
What a beautiful spirit! What an incredible advisor! He touched on very specific things. So enlightening and informative!
Jupiter was very amazing his way of answering my question was simple and extremely insightful he gave me the right answer with so much ease. I feel so grateful and nice to have contacted Jupiter his answer is really helping me out to decide in my life. I felt very calm and lot of postive energy after contacting him. I highly recommend Jupiter to every one for love reading !! I’m quite sure he will provide the right answer to which is best for us and he is quite honest and tells the situation as it’s which is eventually for our good :) thanks Jupiter !!!
There’s nothing like a cup of coffee and a reading from Jupiter! I LOVE his readings...I watch his Videos over and over I just love them I feel healed he tells the truth and it is helping me and my twin flame journey
His predictions has come true ,he is a compassionate,wonderful person with a great energy . Used his help twice and will definitely again! Thank you so much ❤️❤️
U really got alot of information. Plenty of the things you said u r right, u DON'T make up STUFF. U know the truth. Please could you please answer my questions when you have time. THANKS 👍💯Gracias.Thanks,for ur caring and have a GOOD NIGHT, stay safe,🌚🌟💯🖤
This is my 4th reading with Júipter since January 2021, and he’s been consistent with all for readings (they have all be about the same topic). It’s amazing how Júipter is able to make all his readings & predictions so clear and detailed in 3 minutes. I’ve always also noticed that his readings are aligned to my instincts. I have this strong sense of hope after every reading with Júipter - and perhaps that that’s they key 🔑 hope. Thank you Júipter for all that you do for every lost soul that reaches out.
Really kind. Answers questions
Amazing second reading. Very in tune and explains things well. Look forward to updating him 🙏❤️
Jupiter tuned in to my situation quite well and his advice was solid. I will try out his suggestions. Thanks for your help!
Always an amazing and positive experience
Lo e consultado varias veces y siempre bien acerto y me da buenos consejos..lo recomiendo 100%%
Qué bello es Jupiter. Ya siento como que si fuera familia un hermano espiritual le doy gracias a Dios cada día por por traerme este muchacho divino. *** What a blessing Jupiter is in my life I truly feel like he is the sole brother and that the universe has brought me to him for a good reason and that is to share my twin flame journey. The world will know about him one day through my autobiography
Thank you very much for the readings it was very good