Sobre mis servicios
¡Hola! bienvenidos a mi perfil, soy Júpiter, me especializo principalmente en temas relacionados con el amor y almas gemelas. Una de las mayores cualidades que tengo es mi total sinceridad y certeza en el momento de dar respuesta a tus inquietudes.
Te ofrezco:
✨Lectura de tarot Rider Waite
🐱Tarot Familiars de Lisa Parker
😴 interpretación de sueños
📸Fotomancia (Interpretación de energía mediante fotos)
🌙Lectura de aura y energías
💑¿Problemas de pareja?💑💍
👪¿Problemas familiares?👪
💰¿No te rinde el dinero?💰
💼¿Inconvenientes laborales?💼
🔮Te ofrezco lecturas y soluciones claras, concisas y certeras para todos estos inconvenientes que se estén presentando en tu vida y como evitarlos a futuro🔮
De mi parte siempre vas a tener una lectura totalmente sincera, directa, respetuosa y sobre todo muy profesional.
⚠️únicamente responderé 1 pregunta aclaratoria relacionada con la lectura que hayamos realizado, si tienes preguntas nuevas será necesario realizar una lectura nueva⚠️
Guía de los Oráculos, Análisis de los Sueños, Lectura de Tarot, Lecturas Psíquicas, Lecturas amorosas
Puntuación y reseñas
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Hope things get better as he predicted.
Most of this was very accurate and I really appreciate it .I am very satisfied with my results
Made me laugh, great reading
I will follow your advice! Thank you so much!
Always a good reading!!!! He always connects to my situation.
Tiene muy buena energia!, definitivamente usaré el servicio de nuevo
Reading was kind and gracious and he saw some insightful things. I am hoping for the outcome predicted. Grateful 🙏🏽
super amazing guy with wonderful energy!
I sincerely appreciate your feedback in my reading, Jupiter. It hurts coz I was hoping for more but I guess I have to let him go.
Have returned to Jupiter often and he never disappoints, intuitively guiding me on my relationship path. He is wonderful.
Júpiter is the sound friend advice + psychic which makes it the best of both worlds. I appreciate him
He was very detailed with his answers
Thank you for giving me all the answers that I need so quickly.
Thank you so much for the reading. I believe everything will come true.
En espera de ver lo que se aproxima MUCHÍSIMAS GRACIAS por la honestidad, ahora estoy muy tranquila❤️
Thanks a lot Jupiter for all informations, awesome reading ✨🫶
Jupiter, is top shelf and has given an awesome reading once again ✨✨
I connected with Jupiter after months. He’s always been accurate. I trust him completely
Thank you Jupiter for consistent readings. You are always very accurate and all predictions have come to pass so far. Thanks a ton!