Sobre mis servicios
Mi trabajo principal es enfocarme en lo que tú más necesitas aclarar, brindando rápidas y prácticas soluciones a aquello que te importa tanto. 💕
Te aseguro que haré lo mejor de mi parte para darte la claridad que necesitas acompañandote a tomar las decisiones más urgentes en forma beneficiosa y positiva 😉
Claves de los Ángeles, Guía de los Oráculos, Lecturas amorosas, Lecturas Psíquicas, Lectura de Tarot
Puntuación y reseñas
Brilliant and grounded..powerful advice always!
She was good we shall see what happens
good first time consuming toting her thank u
I hate to leave a bad review. My Questions weren't answered . Maybe we didn't connect too well. You might be able to connect with her. She did make up her reading . I thought that was pretty cool.
good reading just dont think she understood the question
ok reading had to listen to it several times, to understand, but I got it
Thank you for such a good reading