About my services
A Direct Intuitive Psychic Medium with the gifts of🌺 Clairaudience,🌺 Clairvoyance 🌺 Mediumship🌺 with the ability to Channel Spirits 🌺and Answers and deliver the answer or message to you!🌺 A career life and Relationship Coach.. I can give you tips and advice on how to unblock your energy field 🌺to bring in the best energy 🌺to fulfill your best destiny🌺ways to save your current situation with energy healing🌺 With direct insight to the futre
Psychic readings, Astrology & Horoscopes, Love readings
Ratings and reviews
Not in depth. Felt very on the surface
I'm not going to leave a bad review however, she is all over the place all the time
Thank you for understanding
I really appreciate the readings it means a lot
Very disappointed! A load of horse shit..
It was wonderful, I felt it got to the point and was on point with other readings I've had
Thank you for always being there for me when I need answers
Fast responses and appeared to connect well
After thinking about my reading with Zed, seems like she picked up energies from 2019 or 2018. When I asked her to confirm Dec 2021 she said yes. But that was just a month ago. Other than that I think she is talented.
Thank you for the reading
great at channeling past loved ones