Alchemical Tarotisa

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About my services

Hello! I am a very skilled tarot reader, always hear clients say that i describe the situation with a lot of accuracy. I am told that predictions come to pass all the time. I can tell you whatโ€™s going on behind doors and tell you whatโ€™s coming for you and what you should know about your situation that you need to know to move forward and fulfill your desires :) Typically, i can answer one to two follow up questions in the message box after a live session. I learned tarot from watching my mom do it my whole life. She has never ever not been accurate, with situations and predictions. She taught me: do not ask the same question more than once because the answers will start to be all over the place. **I do not give specific time frames** but I can tell you if something is close to happening or delayed. I am super duper honest with what i see in my readings and it is really for you to have the right information about your situation. Come with an open mind. I will tap into your guides for the answers that you seek. Also, I will tell you if something is blocking what you want. Destiny isnโ€™t fixed, what comes to you has to do In large part with how you feel about a situation and what you think about it. I can help you change that narrative so that you also get what out want in life :)


Love readings, Tarot readings

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