Amethyst Skye

Energy Reads , Spirit Leads
1.8h average response
100.0% on-time delivery

About my services

*Relationship readings💕 *Relationship *Advice* ✅ *Tarot 🥠🧿🪬🔮( can ask just about anything, EXCEPT🚫 questions about pregnancy, Legal situations, Health, and questions about deceased celebrities) 🌟✨ My reading style depends on your situation, If the message comes in plain as day , you will get the blunt straight to the point readings, If you are involved with a situation to where you are indecisive or the person is In question is indecisive, My reading style will be advice based off of intuition 🌟✨ PLEASE DO NOT ASK EXACT TIMES OR DATES : I can give you a broad time frame of when i feel the energy coming in and if it's a yes or no situation. Free will is always in effect. PLEASE DO NOT come to me with a preconceived energy of attitude or rushing me As per my reviews I will get your messages through for the time you paid for in the video. VIA video I ask my spirit guides and tarot all information I can and will deliver within the time frame. Via live chat , as soon as you start to type I start channeling your energy until I see a message of who you are asking about then I switch gearsand even though I don't reply right away I'm usually already typing and it may seem like a long time because you are watching the timer but I am good about getting the message through. The only time you will need to add more time is if you start asking other questions which I will get to. I'm not here to leave you on a cliff hanger just so you will add time. Energy especially if it's heavy can take a minute to process. I come into readings willing to help but if you send me negative energy I will not cater to that. 🌛🌜💥 I will professionally match your energy and take the bad review. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Love readings, Oracle guidance, Psychic readings, Tarot readings

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