About my services
Helping Through the Adventures of Life.
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I provide tarot readings, dream interpretation, and life coaching. I have a strong intuition and an approachable demeanor that people find comfortable, insightful, and helpful. I love building plans for self-development and transformation and helping others through that process.
I do not offer legal advice, medical advice, pregnany questions, legal questions, lucky numbers, gambling advice, celebrity questions, immigration issues, or past life consultation.
When discussing tarot, two individuals are speaking about a language of symbols, which sometimes can appear a bit opaque. If something doesn't sound clear or come through clearly, please let me clarify for you. I offer up to two follow up questions via chat per reading. Depending on order volumes, I may not answer immediately, but I WILL answer.
Dream analysis, Love readings, Tarot readings
Ratings and reviews
Thank you so much! I will come back to you with an update as soon as the change happens. Your words in God's ears:-)
Great at explaining the cards, has been accurate over time, calm and professional ❤
Great reading and explanation
Good reading and very well detailed
I like dennis style of reading . He is accurate .
He’s honest about the struggles which are happening now as well as in the future but helps me to understand that the outcome will eventually be worthwhile.
He made me feel so much better and gave me so much insight into my situation. Thank you so much!!
Thank you Dennis! Always providing the right words, time is the key🙌🏿
Great reading! Thank you!
Good reading. Speaks clear and calm. I recommend Dennis for any reading.
Very detailed , touched on all my questions .. spot on with clarifying what I had already felt .. gave me the conformation I was looking for
Their reading brought some much needed peace and calm to an anxious situation. Seemingly tuned into the general backstory and relationship. I appreciate the thoughtful reading and guided advise and will return with more questions as I have them.
Okay reading, very generalized though.
Great reading made me feel 100% better
Love the wisdom you always give me. Thank you❤️🙏🏼
Thank you for all the positivity 😊
Amazing reading! Highly recommend!
Very good reading, can't wait for predictions to come ture.