Lady Of The Lake

Tarot Astrology Psychic readings
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About my services

Greetings! I am the Lady of the Lake, a gifted psychic medium who possesses exceptional abilities. With three water signs in my natal chart, I am a potent Empath, capable of delving into the thoughts, emotions, and intentions of individuals.  see all, know all, and hear all with my tarot and oracle cards, and Spirit Guides. Let’s connect now for audio, chat, and phone readings. 15 minutes minimum is recommended for the best possible connection and service. Contact me for: Spiritual and Life Coaching Love and Romance Coaching Dating Life Check-ins Blockages to Overcome to Manifest Love Money and Prosperity Reports Chakra Clearing and Healing My impressive psychic skills are based in my connection to my Spirit Guides and Deities, as well as my natural born Clairvoyance (I see images), Clairsentience (I feel emotions), and Claircognizance (I’m tapped into Source Energy). I am also a talented and renowned Astrologist and I specialize in: Natal Chart Readings Astrology Chart Readings for Individuals and Couples Sun and Moon Sign Readings Venus Sign Readings With my astrological insights, I can reveal upcoming career transitions and help you overcome obstacles hindering your journey towards love, abundance, and prosperity. I possess the knowledge to guide you effectively toward your desired goals and uplift you during life's challenges. Chat with me now, I can’t wait to hear from you to help you find true happiness! Additional services I offer in the chat: Clear Past Life Karma Clearing the Third Eye Bring in New Love Natal Chart Reading Comparison Natal Chart Reading Help You Connect with Your Spirit Guides Blessing Candle Connect to your Angel Guides Connect to your Fairy Guides Connect to your Dragonfae guides Connect to Mother Isis


Astrology & Horoscopes, Love readings, Tarot readings

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