About my services
Hi, I am Ivy Roahn, World Renown 5 Star Twin Flame, Soul Mate and Sex Specialist. Over 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE with an international client base helping people just like you navigate their concerns, fears and love life. 🎟️ - SALE DAY! Normal price 17.99/ min down to 14.99 🤯 - MOST POPULAR READING: a “channeled soul conversation” read below for details! 🔮First off, I care about your clariry, feelings, emotional space, and the partnerships youre in, I welcome you to my energetic space and will dive deep into any emotions, feelings or thoughts to bring clarity to your heart. 🔮 I AM A STRONG EMPATH and my PSYCHIC POWER is revealing the deepest, darkest, most hidden feelings, intentions and motivations of others, PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE. 🔮 Are they cheating? Are they intending to cheat? Do they communicate with others? I am an expert at being able to see what they feel, do or think with you and with other people in their lives. 🔮Are they Ghosting, in avoidance and emotional withdrawal? I can focus in on why, how long they will continue to, and what they need from you in order to come closer. 🔮 If you have not heard from a lover in awhile, or youd just like to hear what their soul would say to you- without the conicousness/ego/pride of the individual blocking it, ask for a “CHANNELED SOUL CONVERSATION” and we can pass along messages directly from their soul in 5D. 🔮 Bringing clarity to light in all matters of the heart, I can laser focus on the WHY behind people’s ACTIONS, MOTIVES, and INTENTIONS towards you 🔮 If you want to know if they love you, or if they are going to commit to you, or whether you should leave or stay in the relationship... I am NON-JUDGMENTAL and no question or situation you're in will shock me 🔮 Maybe you just want to know if they are interested sexually, and I can help with that too! 🔮 I WILL FOLLOW UP WITH YOUR QUESTIONS AFTER YOUR READING IS DELIVERED 🔮 BOOK NOW with a TRUSTED and EXPERIENCED advisor to get the answers you NEED so you can move forward confidently TODAY.
Psychic readings, Love readings, Tarot readings