
Insights and Intuition
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Reflections🪞💙🫶🏻💕✨ Wow, the new year is upon us, can you believe it? Whether 2024 was Your Year or whether nothing seemed to go right…whether everything came to a standstill or whether it moved so quickly you didn’t have a chance to catch up, whether you feel like you’ll never get ahead or whether everything seemed to come into alignment, let’s stop for a moment. Let’s breathe. Let’s take stock of the wonderful things around us (even if we have to dig really deep to think of *something*)… And then reflect on what you want going forward. How will you maintain the good and wonderful things in your life? And what do you want to add to your life? This year I had some goals that didn’t come out the way I’d hoped and I was so bummed. But the support and encouragement from my friends and family gave me the reminder it didn’t have to happen NOW if all the pieces of the puzzle weren’t in place. Now granted, that was NOT what I wanted to hear so I blocked it out and tried to make it all fit into place in a short time but ultimately——They were right. Besides that, it was something I had been considering for awhile but I didn’t give myself time to do the work to get my ducks in a row. So I’m regrouping and resetting my goal and reminding myself that slow and steady wins the race. So whether love & romance, career/professional, life changes (big or small), life path and life goals, finding ways to free your time to do what you love, whatever you want——Please let me help you form your longterm goals to get the MOST out of your journey and to help you highlight the lessons that will allow you to ascend to your highest self, and please know that I’m right there with you. I know the impatience, and the impulse, and the need for things to happen NOW!!! But first, we gotta have the journey and do the work with the faith and knowledge we will come out on the other side. And things will be good 🫶🏻💙💕✨ I can offer what I see and sense with my spiritual abilities, and when things aren’t going quite as planned or hoped, or when things get a bit tough, I’m here to help guide you back to your Highest Self and getting you back on track. By the way, let me introduce myself! I’m GothicGenie🧞‍♀️💙✨ Thanks for peeping my profile! My spiritual method is intuition and my spiritual tool of choice is my mini crystal balls 🔮 My goal is to use my spiritual gifts to lead you through self discovery and self development, and ultimately self empowerment! I can’t make choices for you, but my hope is that you will begin to trust in yourself and the decisions you make. If you’d like an overall general reading you can simply give your name and birthday. You can also specify if you’d like a general reading about one of the following: ✨ Angel messages ✨ Career ✨ Life ✨ Life purpose/path ✨ Love ✨ Spirit Guide messages ✨ Spiritual journey …or any other aspect of your journey you may be curious about Some of my spiritual specialties include 🔮 Angel Insights 🔮 Aura color readings 🔮 Aura/energy readings 🔮 Connecting with spirit guides 🔮 Helping you identify your own spiritual gifts 🔮 Mediumship 🔮 Past life readings 🔮 Psychic readings Looking forward to connecting with you! Best wishes your way! GG🧞‍♀️💙✨


Spiritual medium, Dream analysis, Angel insights, Love readings, Psychic readings

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