About my services
Hi there! I'm Matt, a professional French psychic and tarot reader with over 25 years of experience. I'm here to provide you with honest, non-judgmental guidance and support on your life's journey. 🌟
I offer intuitive tarot readings, oracle guidance, and ink stains divination to help you gain clarity and insight into various aspects of your life. My approach is unique, as I use my own interpretations rather than relying on books or apps. I aim to provide you with the wisdom and guidance you need to navigate life's challenges and opportunities.
🏳️🌈 The LGBTQIA+ community IS MOST WELCOME! 🏳️🌈 - let me know if you are 😉
I can help you with:
• Love & Relationships 💖
• Business & Career 📚
• Friendship 👩❤️👩
• Family 👨👩👧
• Spiritual Growth 🌈
About the readings I offer and tools I use:
My readings are tailored to your specific needs and questions. I use a combination of tarot cards, oracles, and ink stains divination to gain insight into your situation. I don't just tell you what the cards say; I provide you with a deeper understanding of their meaning and how they relate to your life.
Please read this before you reach out:
• Be specific and focus on one question or topic per reading
• For video readings, keep in mind that they are limited to 3 minutes
• If you have multiple questions, consider booking a live call, live chat, or follow-up reading
• The comment section is for clarification only (max. 1 messages)
• Keep in mind that an advisor is not a private detective
• I don’t deliver exact time frames but I can give periods sometimes instead
The kinds of readings I don't offer:
• Health/pregnancy-related questions
• Legal/financial advice
• Readings for those who have left negative reviews in the past
Love readings, Psychic readings, Tarot readings
Ratings and reviews
Thank you will try to stay positive
He took the time to clarify. I appreciate that.
Wonderful reading and insights! Just gave me a whole different way of looking at things and really dug deep! My questions were answered with facts and great detail. Thank you I appreciate it.
Good reading, thank you 🙏🏼🔮🔮🔮💕
Thank you so much for help and guidance. Was really spot on 🙏🏼
Gracias Matt por todo! Por los consejos y la buena tirada! Eres el mejor 😊
Very amazing reading. Positive and well connected. Third reading with Matt and his others have been right so I’m hoping this one is too!
Not what I expected was vague difficult to understand and didn’t look like spychic insight! More like he was reading cards and trying to put it together! Boo don’t recommend 😒👎🏻
Very general- lots of could
La verdad no me gustó, dijo lo mismo que le había dicho pero nada en concreto
Thanks so much. Very nice man 😃
Great reading. Thank you!
Matt is very fast and honest. Thanks for the reassurance and advice Matt 🙏🏼
Very happy with the reading.. it was very synergistic energy. I only gave names and dates of birth and he read very well into the energy at the present but as he didn’t know my situation I typed it afterwards in the comments.. as I was waiting for a reply I lay in bed dozing off to sleep and the answer came to me. A couple of minutes later I received a notification that he had answered and it was the same answer as what I had just received myself.. the energy flowed very smoothly between us to receive answers to what was troubling me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Perdón por la reseña tarde!! Gracias por toda tu ayuda, tus consejos y sobre todo por ser tan acertado en mis lecturas! Dices todo con mucha precisión. Todo lo que me has dicho ha pasado tal cual me lo has dicho! Tengo más noticias nuevas, pronto te contactaré para contarte 😊
Lovely, honest, confident and he fitted a lot in the three minutes
Great connection, very detailed information. Clarify a situation that i was struggling with.
I didn’t know I could say thank you there! It is always good to hear positive things! May it be the way you are saying it is! It made me feel much better! Thank you for the positive vibe!