About my services
Greetings, Beloveds! I'm an intuitive Pisces living fully in my 12th House of Spirituality. I'm a generational energy healer, working to heal the collective just as my ancestors did. I've naturally worked in the 5 Clairs since my youth: Clairvoyant (sees clearly), Clairsentience (feels clearly), Clairaudience (hears clearly), Claircognizant (knows clearly), and Clairalience (smells clearly). I'm also a certified Reiki Master Teacher. I'm an avid dreamer and have a gift in astral travel where I 'Dream Spy' and 'Dream Explore' in order to help my clients evolve and conquer adversity in their lives. I conduct Oracle readings + Pendulum readings. I also work in numerology, help clients become aware of their specific signs and synchronicities placed by their ancestors/higher selves, and a number of other Divine tools and techniques. I oftentimes answer the questions of 'Why?'. I'm guided by the Holy Spirit and am here to serve you with full integrity and love!🙏🏽
Astrology & Horoscopes, Psychic readings, Oracle guidance