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(Scroll down for free horoscopes) 🫶🌹🌱🩷🐟♓👁️💅💯🦂♀️♑🦁💎🕐 Having a reading with me means that we're going to go through your astrology chart, look at the way that your personality has been built by your surroundings and your influences and see what levels and at what momentum you are currently evolving to. what trajectory and outcome. I look at astrology charts to find people 's way back to their highest selves where they are feeling their most confident and empowered as possible. Looking at the love connections: I can see the outcome and trajectory (time frames) of relationships as well as the purpose for them and the lessons they have.. If you like what you see here and you want to get a reading with me, feel free to drop your birth date and birth time if you know it as well as birth location. 🩷🩷Brie Here is my latest astrological report on the energies that are surrounding us currently. ✴️✴️✴️✴️ And last but not least, Here's your free horoscope for Pisces season 2025 ♈Aries You are reinventing your relationships to your roots and that reinvention is in its final stages. March 2nd. There is a need to forgive self and the prospective shift is downloading as you do it. Subconscious deep diving taking out the findings commitment to change likely activated February 23rd to 25th when Mars goes direct… And by March 9th the commitments are taking shape into your future. This season your relationship to beauty is supposed to change, this may mean a full makeover, but please don't cut your hair. This is a time to try wigs and theatrical makeup, not anything permanent. It's time to play. ♉Taurus Although the funds were a bit stagnant for a while, the flow is starting to trickle down. New commitments that you've made back in May are starting to show through as profitable and productive. There is a level of self-undoing that is happening now where you are letting yourself shed past versions of your identity but there is almost a Sweetness in the send-off. Your Glad that you were that person for that time because it's what you needed to be, and going forward you get to be this new version of yourself. The eclipse brings a shock to the system in love and romance: The Reality that Dawns on you, is knowing now what truly IS yours, and what was only a wish. ♊GEMINI MAIN CHARACTER ALERT The beginning of the season is one thing. After another. The more open-minded you can be to new information, the faster you will be able to process this and the more expansion you'll be able to acquire. Social networks and associations are under the microscope at this time offering you new connections but also making you re-examine old ones. The 11th of March is your best day for strengthening bonds and solidifying your sense of security. The full moon eclipse adds potential stress but it's not permanent, that may be tensions at work at home at this time to make you reconsider the choices you've made to get to this point, but that is literally just a clip's energy on a Mercury retrograde and you need to ignore it. Otherwise, you're going to make some rash decisions that you're going to regret very quickly. ♋ Cancer Cancer once we pass February 25th, you will feel a lot better. That being said, It's going to take a little bit of time for you to get back to the positive vibes that you had before October. You will feel energized by the beginning of March and as the Pisces season rolls in there's an opportunity for you to really lay down some solid commitments about how you want to spend your time and energy. There's a chance for making some pretty big changes in the trajectory of your career and also your desire for security at home. Your standards are probably coming up, don't apologize. If they don't get it and they don't accept it, they're not meant for you. 🦁Leo A large focus on vulnerabilities and debts, and there's now a scratched you feel the need to itch in regards to your enemies and your own personal demons. Over the next two and a half years, If you're not careful, money will slip through your fingers. This is the time to get super diligently organized about your finances. Me education and Faith as well as your relationship to both of those things in your identity & your perception are getting reworked for the entirety of the season. Welcome ego-challenging conversations so that you may continue the process of breaking down your b*******. These will probably pop up on the 2nd of March and the 14th of March. Don't make any rash decisions during the eclipse, on the 14th of March, even though you're going to be really tempted to. ♍Virgo The bait you attached to your lure when you are connecting to other people is what you're looking at now. There are going to be some instances in the first few days of Pisces season, where you truly feel that people are not receiving you the way you are trying to be received. For most of March, your focus will be on your attachment style as well as your attraction aesthetic. Venus retrograde is coming to highlight your perception of partnership and the fears around trust. Ex's friends and ex lovers are resurfacing ( this is my gentle reminder) This is just the universe's way to show you how far you've come, not to make you return to the past. How you partner and who you want to be in partnership is the focus of Pisces season this year. Do not cut your bangs. ♎Libra Work, health and routine are your happy places at this time. The more methodical you are about self-care, the more you stand to gain. This could look like educating yourself about different methods or alternative options, but it does look like a bit of a passion project. This work isn't for nothing, those that are connecting with you now are seeing you shift this way and some are going to be encouraging and others are going to be dismissive, pay attention to who is saying what. Venus retrograding in your seventh house can mean a breakup. It doesn't have to, but it does commonly occur. If things are Rocky now, it's not going to get better before it gets worse. By March, The tension is very high, but the opportunities for growth are even bigger. Pace yourself, let these things take their time. This will be for your benefit when it's all said and done. ♏Scorpio On February 24th you will feel so much better, I know that for a lot of you this hasn't been the worst Mars retrograde being that it's showing up in your ninth house. A lot of this has just been about education and re-education. Connecting those synapses in your gray matter. You've been doing the work and it's showing. There's a expansion of those who trust you now and an expansion of your own trust in yourself and others. Once we're into March, things are feeling pretty good and I believe that you'll be ready to take it even deeper. You're calling out your enemies, and you're offering clemency. It's a beautiful thing. Good work Scorpio. Nose to the grind, you got this. ♐Sagittarius By the 25th of February, you're back. It's been a slow sluggish exhausting 40 days with Jupiter at 11°, but as we close out February Jupiter is picking up speed. This is important because your ties to this planet are so thorough. As Pisces and accumulates, And we move into March, The seeds that you had planted are starting to take root. You're feeling that security finally, And you're starting to feel confident that you can grow again. On the 2nd of March, there is an adjustment required from you that mostly focus is on letting go of your ego to solidify a greater good. I feel like you're going to be bringing optimism into the home again, and with the Venus retrograde taking off in your fifth house, this may look like falling in love with your partner all over again deepening the bond through Mutual trust and vulnerability. For some of you, you're going to be looking at your debts and mutual resources with your partner and getting much more clear about the future you're planning together. And for the single Sagittarius, this deepening and investment in connection is showing up in your friendships and Business partnerships. During the full moon and eclipse do not make any rash decisions or sign any contracts in regards to work or home. ♑Capricorn Other people have been erratic and emotional + crashing out all around you, and you've been this stoic thing that they can fall upon. I'm here to say thank you, on behalf of all the cancer energy and all the moon energy that tried to take you out with the hurricane of emotion that they brought you since October, they're sorry and they're thankful that you were there for them. They'll most likely say it themselves by March. The Venus retrograde is happening in your fourth house and this may look like you need to reinvent your home space or move. Either way, the aesthetic around you needs a boost and you're going to be tearing it all down before you bring it back up. You may also have female house guests at this time and they're going to confuse you and frustrate you, your task here is to stay patient and fair and diplomatic. The lunar eclipse may mess up some travel plans, no booking around the 14th of March. ♒Aquarius Pisces season has you exercising your talents and speaking your mind. Over the last year and a half you've learned a lot about what to say and what not to say + this season will have you testing out what you think. You know. Your relationship to siblings, especially female ones, may be strained at this time, but it is an opportunity for you to learn more about them and yourself. Home still feels somewhat isolated, although you are able to be creatively and openly yourself, this in its own still has some harsh corners. By March. You are feeling much more playful and excited to explore your creativity. You may still find on a daily basis you are dealing with oppositional or irritated people, but their effect on you is less impeccable after the first week of March. And by the time we hit the eclipses, In mid-march ,you are fully ready to blast out your haters. ♓Pisces Happy birthday baby Saturn is sitting by your side for your birthday and so for the whole year you will have a certain stoicism for you. Your emotions won't take as much out of you because your ability to see the whole picture and remain cool-headed will continue to strengthen. your resolve to push forward what you intuitively know to be the truth out into the world around you is showing up stronger than ever. This year the eclipses are in your sign, and they'll be there next year too. For your birthday this year with Saturn and the North node, you are having an epic experience. Your ability to discipline yourself comes to a karmic alignment where you find yourself. Subconsciously structuring the situations around you with the power of your voice. You are the master of your own mind. And the power Of manifestation that has been accumulating over the last two decades, inside you is now coming down to your fingertips. Abracadabra. Welcome to your witchy years. XO Brie
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