Psychic Channel

Psychic Reading
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About my services

Arrange a call phone/video for energy work/Lemurian Light Language Healing. Please do not Rush Spirit when Chatting or Video πŸ•ŠοΈ I am an Intuitive Psychic Channel who channels the Archangels and gives truth and honest answers. I can tap in the your Guides and Higher Self to get the answers you seek. I read tarot and Oracle cards. I don't sugar coat my readings. You won't find fluff here. I am here to help you find the answers to your questions. I also speak Lemurian Light Language.✨ πŸ’œ Psychic Reading πŸ’œ Tarot Card Reading πŸ’œ Oracle Card Reading πŸ’œ Angel Guidance πŸ’œ Channel Messages πŸ’œ Pendulum Reading πŸ’œ Lemurian Light Language Healing πŸ”΄ General reading will get you general answers πŸ”΄ Specific questions will get you specific answers πŸ”΄ Please specify which service you would like your answers in or we can let spirit choose. πŸ”΄ Pendulum readings require your questions to be answered in yes or no format πŸ”΄ No legal, health or gambling questions πŸ”΄ 2 questions per reading πŸ”΄ pic : I can tap into your higher self πŸ”΄ first name & birthdate is required


Angel insights, Tarot readings, Psychic readings

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