North Star

Spiritual guidance, channel, twin flame
2.7h average response
99.5% on-time delivery

About my services

♾ Pls read before you connect ♾ ✨UPDATE: Beloved, I am pleased to announce that the offering now includes Union Window Work and Golden Path sessions *on PG only*- these have been integrated in my private practice and are now offered here as I am shown the collective benefits irrespective of wether or not there is a divine counterpartnership motivating it! For these sessions please arrange in advance (through either PO or PG) so profiles can be generated for your unique blue print- Exact, Date, time and place of birth are essential for the Golden Path session. Union Work blueprint can be generated without an exact time. So excited to work with those who feel called to this Sacred Work! I will continue to offer YIN (femininy) energy tools/sessions for connection (dating/and all sorts of relating experiences) both via chat and voice- video can be accessed on request! Love, a✨ I work as a spiritual guide and channel and teach those activated/awakened by love. Whilst labels (as you’ll see if you read on) are not without distortion i will use them to communicate here in quotation marks: ✨ “light-worker” 🔥🪞”mirrored soul” / “twinflame” ☯️ “Divine counterpart” 🖤 ✨You will find true soul guidance here, the ego mind may be triggered/challanged but this is a part of the process and will support your ascension and alignment. 💜🌊What to expect on a PO read: I will connect with the energy and channel for as long as permitted. Often i receive way too much energy to compress/unpick within the alotted time and will add these as “extra messages” on chat. I recomend you take advantage of the Apps “follow up” read if you feel guided to delve deeper into any of the channeled messages or wish to book a live session on PG following an initial read. On a follow up you can expect your focused channeled messages and can use the chat to arrange times when i am free/not teaching in my own practice and may be convenient to you). 💜🪴What to expect on a PG read: I love connecting live as i can feel the energy shifts and provide channeled messages as well as intuitive guidance. I recomend this format if the circumstances are complex and/or you are ready and open to commit to you(r) soul alignment/ascention. I can teach more freely in this format and it provides a flow and continuity that isn’t possible on a PO read. This is also the most popular format for mirror soul and divine counterpartnerships as we can point and start shifting distortions and blocks and shift some misconceptions and perceptions! Whilst i dont normally offer video (i find that this can detract from the focus on the energy as it gives the mind more things to focus on, lable, compare, judge)- i will open this occasionally for those whom feel this is a more supportive format. Most of my students/clients have “best results” during and following voice calls ✨ *before you connect make sure to center yourself in your heart* taking a few deep breathes and keeping your awareness focused on this process will allow a clearer read even when there is some fog/confusion… Read on if you’d like to connect further with my energy, otherwise… Grateful to connect when you feel called! Love, a Spirituality is not about labels and structures; I read intuitively, simply translating energy and guiding you in honing your own intuition. People have often said I see through them; I am in unity consciousness and that means here and *now* ; energy is infinite and therefore timeless and I will point out the truth behind each energy to foster and suport your expansion. If you’d like guidance in a twin flame situation; know that this is *your* soul journey and it’s not about “another” person... As within so without... no sugar coating here but a whole lot of Love, because... well... it is the only “thing” that was ever real... love, a


Psychic readings, Oracle guidance, Love readings

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