
Psychic Guide and Tarot Master
3.7h average response
94.7% on-time delivery

About my services

READ THIS FIRST: If you can make a video response asking your question, I WILL connect to your energy more. If I can hear and see you I will get more for you. I understand if nerves prevent this. I don't judge! I am a double certified in Tarot. I’ve been reading almost 10 years. I work with astrology on a professional level as well. I am an intuitive psychic medium & claircognizance is my strongest gift. (Clear knowing) My favorite questions are regarding your spiritual path or general path in life! I definitely connect deep with this. So if you want to know if you are psychic, send me a video asking what you want to know! IF YOU HAVE A LOVE QUESTION, LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE SINGLE, HAVE A PERSON OF INTEREST, OR ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP. I WILL TELL YOU NOW I DON'T REALLY WORK ON TIME FRAMES. IF A TIME FRAME COMES UP I WILL TELL YOU, BUT IF YOU ARE LOOKING SPECIFICALLY FOR THAT THAT IS NOT REALLY HOW I WORK. I WILL TELL YOU WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN MORE SO THEN WHEN… LIFE IS A JOURNEY FOR US! Don't expect me to give you a flat out yes or no to all of your love questions. I'm here to give you the guidance to make changes and have positive things happen and turn things around in your relationship. 🔮 I consult the tarot cards about love, finances, general knowledge, healing, spirituality, shadow work and many other topics including LGBTQ+. I also consult with my spiriitual team consisting of spirit guides, angels, gods & goddesses, angels, spirits, etc. to get you the answers you need to hear. ❤️ I will tell you exactly what I see in the cards as well as what the spirits show me. I don't sugarcoat things, so if you are coming in with preconceived notions and may not be ready to hear about fixing your own issues, just be prepared that may happen.


Astrology & Horoscopes, Psychic readings, Tarot readings

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